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Women are conquering Google.. Proceeds 118$ million

 Women are conquering Google. Proceeds 118 $ million

Google has agreed to pay $ 118 million to settle a class-action lawsuit accusing it of discriminatory decisions against its female employees in terms of salaries and promotions at its headquarters in California, "the two law firms defending the company announced.

A joint statement by Liv kapraser Heymann, Bernstein, and Altschuler Berzon, published on Friday, explained that the settlement covers about 1,500 employees working in California since September 2013.

The company has also agreed to a third-party review of its recruitment and promotion processes.

"After nearly 5 years of legal proceedings, the parties have agreed that the settlement of the case, without any admission of responsibility or conclusions, is in everyone's interest, and we are very pleased to have reached this agreement," a Google spokesman said in a letter sent to AFP on Sunday.

Former female employees at Google filed a lawsuit in 2017 before a San Francisco court, arguing that the Giant organization pays its women employees lower salaries than those allocated to men within the same positions. That female employees received fewer promotions than men, even though both parties have the same experience and qualifications because the company was based on their previous salaries.

The text of the settlement published by the lawyers noted that Google "denies all the allegations contained in the lawsuit.

The settlement still has to be approved by a judge.

A Google spokesperson confirmed in his letter that the company is" fully committed to paying salaries to employees and promoting all of them correctly and fairly, "adding: "If we notice any differences in the salaries offered, including differences between the amounts offered to women and men, we make adjustments to eliminate the difference before approving the final amount, and we will continue to do this step.

In 2021, the search engine agreed to pay دولار 3.8 million to the US Department of Labor following accusations of discriminatory practices against women and those of Asian descent.

"Google said that discriminatory decisions were detected during routine internal analysis, and indicated that it agreed to pay this amount to correct the situation, denying that it had violated the laws.

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