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Artificial intelligence will change the world and onepassif is a leader in artificial intelligence 

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For the first time in World Cup history. "Robot Man of the line " ready for arbitration in Mundia Qatar

Equipment completed for the first participation

 Robots are in arbitration for the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar, for the first time in the history of the world's largest tournament. This robot" lineman " uses 10 cameras to track 29 physical points for each player with high accuracy, pointing out that its use is not born of the moment, but several experiments were carried out on it began in the Club World Cup in 2019, which was won by Liverpool, the Arab Cup, which was held in 4 of the eight World Cup stadiums in Qatar at the end of last year, and finally the Club World Cup, which was held this year in the UAE. The newspaper adds that all the evidence confirms that the new technology in infiltration much faster than it is under the technology of Video Assistant Referee" VAR "R, so it is scheduled to be adopted for use in the World Cup, during the late Annual General Meeting of FIFA on Monday in Qatar، 

"Artificial intelligence is used to give accurate measurements and create intrusion lines that previously had to be drawn manually, and this eliminates human error,

 which does not mean the human factor is completely absent, as the referee or assistant referee can look at the image created by the artificial intelligence, and immediately know if the player is an intruder or not, but the referee can also use his own judgment to decide whether this player is interfering with the game, or if there is any other reason to approve the goal or not," he adds. Dr. Lucy explains that this approach combines "getting humans to do what they do really well, and getting computers to do what they're really good at".

 That is why Kolina said that this is not "robotic infiltration".Although the telecast does not provide the quality of live tracking technology for the parties required to make accurate judging decisions, artificial intelligence will be able to use the telecast to generate real-time statistics including projected goals and estimated location of players inside the stadium, using fingerprint player tracking data over the past 20 years, along with machine learning algorithms to estimate the whereabouts of players who are not on screen.
